Pivot your career & deepen your craft as a coach. 

The Psychodynamic Coaching method is one of the FASTEST ways to guide people towards deeper and more sustainable levels of joy, success, and personal transformation.

Coaching isn't a career, it's a calling. Join our pioneering coaching program and get certified as a Psychodynamic Life Coach in just 16-weeks.



Introducing our pioneering life coach certification dedicated to helping students work with the hidden wisdom of the personal unconscious, the shadow, & the body.


Join the Waitlist today and be the first to gain access to exclusive savings when doors re-open in September. 

The Psychodynamic Coach Academy is now accepting Waitlist Applications for our next cohort starting in Autumn 2024. Join us and become part of an incredible group of practitioners who are ready to align their careers to their highest calling.

Limited spots.


If you're looking for more, you're in the right place. We can only meet our clients as deeply as we have met ourselves, so by joining us as a certified Psychodynamic Coach™, you will be embarking on a journey of radical self-discovery, whilst mastering the practical tools to help guide others.

The foundation of your success begins with the right training. Regular life coaching modalities work with the conscious mind, which includes the surface-level thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours that influence the client’s life.

Despite hours of work and great intentions, many coaches and practitioners witness their clients slipping back into those old sabotaging behaviors and patterns.

We know that working with the conscious mind alone is not enough to create lasting transformation. For lifelong, sustainable results, we need to focus on the subconscious root of what is standing in the way of your client’s success.

Working with the person’s subconscious shadow, their emotional & energetic forces, and their body's intuitive wisdom, is the key to lasting change.


Become a certified Life Coach specialising in psychodynamics, psychology-backed shadow work, and somatic healing.



Our program is based on three core pillars:

Psychology-Informed Shadow Coaching

Our coaching methods are embedded primarily in Jung's concept of the shadow, the subconscious, and the flow of lifeforce energies. We teach you the language of the subconscious & show you how to confidently work with the landscape of the psyche.

Intuitive Somatic Work  - Body Wisdom 

'Soma' is Greek for body. The scientific literature on the mind-body connection is well established, & we know the body is the gatekeeper for deep healing. We use gentle somatic practices that work with the body's unseen intelligence to help release blocks & create profound shifts.

Spirituality and Human Consciousness  

Our methods are informed by spirituality, human consciousness, and a deep belief in helping people live their soul's purpose. Accessing and harnessing the innate wisdom of the body, plus the flow of our mental and emotional energies, allows us to reach our full potential in life.


Learn a unique and powerful framework designed to work for any niche, whilst helping you create better results for you, your clients, and your business.



Stand out as a Certified Psychdynamic Life Coach in just 16 weeks


The Psychodynamic Life Coach ™ program is our pioneering coaching certification dedicated to the study of psychodynamics, shadow work, and somatic healing.

It's open to all and is designed to help you facilitate incredible, lasting results for your clients.

Join an intimate community of like-minded coaches, healers, and practitioners from all over the world. 

All classes are delivered remotely which means you can learn from anywhere. Join our highly experiential training, coaching labs, and community straight from the comfort of your own home.

The program includes 10 online training modules, live coaching support, practicum, and bonus workshops.

You will learn a unique and powerful framework designed to support clients in any niche, whilst helping you build confidence and certainty as a coach.



The Psychodynamic Coach Academy: Accredited Training You Can Trust

Our practitioner-level training has met rigorous international standards of accreditation. Upon successful completion, all students are eligible to apply for membership with the IAOBPC (International Association of Board Certified Psychology Coaches) and the IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine). This will not only show your clients that you are professionally trained and qualified, but it will also increase their confidence in you as their chosen practitioner. 

To see all of ourselves and accept every part of who we are, is the beginning of a powerful transformation.

Why train with Amanda?

Amanda Davies is a multi-award-winning business leader, a Registered Psychologist, Certified Jungian Coach & Life Coach, Reiki Practitioner, and a Certified Somatic Focalizing Practitioner. She left her successful career in the corporate world in 2015 to pursue her passion of empowering others to live their dreams.

Amanda brings over 20 years of collective experience to her training programs and she passionately believes that whatever your circumstances, and no matter what odds were stacked against you, you can achieve your full potential in this lifetime.

Amanda is dedicated to supporting the current and future leaders of the personal and spiritual development industry to go deeper with their craft and create a ripple effect of change in the world.  

She has been featured in The Times, The Guardian, Yahoo Finance, The Telegraph, and Huffington Post and was shortlisted as a finalist in the UK's National Business Awards. She was also named as the UK's leading Business Mentor.

Amanda's company, Light Purpose Living, is a registered training provider of the CPD Standards Office. This means Amanda's programs are independently accredited and her courses meet the highest standards of training excellence. Graduates of this program will also receive formal certification from the CPD Standards Office upon accreditation.


Mari Phkhakadze

Psychodynamic Life Coach

"Deciding to enroll in the Psychodynamic Coach Academy (PCA) was, without a doubt, one of the top three best decisions I've ever made.

Transitioning from a completely different professional background, I had the privilege of experiencing the transformative power of psychodynamic coaching firsthand with Amanda, who embodies integrity, expertise, and unparalleled compassion.

PCA's unique approach offered a depth of learning and personal transformation I had not anticipated, expanding my understanding of coaching. It equipped me with a sophisticated framework and practical tools, unveiling a new realm of possibilities for facilitating lasting change.

Moreover, PCA exceeded all my expectations. It wasn't just a certification program; it was a transformative experience that significantly shifted how I perceive myself and my capacity to contribute to others' lives.

It has been a privilege to be part of an incredible group of coaches and to have been mentored by Amanda. I wholeheartedly recommend PCA to both new and experienced coaches."

100% of our graduates feel significantly more confident supporting their clients at the level of the shadow & subconscious mind vs when they started the program...

"I started this course because I was interested in Jung's work and did not know where to start on my own. After a few modules I was really amazed by the depth of the knowledge provided and how we can really apply it in our lives.

With the coaching triads, I have got to know myself at a deeper level which helped me improve my ability to hold space for my clients to explore the depths of their psyche.

Overall this course has provided me with so many tools to use in sessions which boosted my level of confidence in providing better/deeper sessions" - Noura

Why Choose Us?

Our dynamic energetic forces - subconscious mind, emotions, body, spirit - are working together every minute of every day. 

Tapping into this rich communication unlocks a deeper level of emotional wisdom, freedom, and purpose within our lives

Our unique methodology allows us to step back from the day-to-day masks we hold onto so tightly, and step into the fully expressed, whole, version of ourselves.

To see ourselves clearly and completely is one of the greatest gifts we can receive in this lifetime.

It's what Jung termed Individuation, or freedom and oneness with the self.

This Psychodynamic Coach Certification gives you the most practical and up-to-date training in the field of psychodynamics, combined with somatic and neuroscience-backed tools to create whole-body results. 

The tools and framework we share will guide you and your clients to greater levels of joy, personal power, and fulfillment!


Our certification program is right for you if...


  • You want to make a difference in the world. You're passionate about helping people, and you know that change takes place one person at a time.
  • You love helping people, but perhaps you don't yet have the credentials, business know-how, or framework to help people change their lives.
  • You're an existing practitioner and you're looking for a framework to support clients on a deeper level. You know that lasting change takes place at the subconscious level, but you would like more confidence and proven tools to really 'go there' with your clients.
  • You have a keen interest in the mind, human consciousness, and spirituality. You're willing to explore beyond the 5 senses and you're willing to go on a journey of profound personal transformation, whilst also bringing this work to others.
  • You want to stand out in a busy online marketplace. The online coaching and e-learning industry is booming and you're ready to grow your coaching business.

Ready to discover more? Join our free introductory Masterclass

Lean-in to your unique brilliance as a coach and facilitate standout breakthroughs for your clients using the hidden power of shadow work and psychodynamic coaching.



Here's an overview of what's included in the program:

A comprehensive 16 week online coaching practicum

Our Coaching Practicum is designed to help new and established coaches/practitioners gain the skills and methodology they need to transform lives. 

Video training modules will provide you with the fundamentals of Psychodynamic Coaching. You will also receive handouts containing exercises to help you incorporate these learnings into your coaching practise. 

Private support, practise hours and personal mentoring

In addition to Private Coaching Calls, you will receive access to Fortnightly Coaching Labs led by Amanda. These labs are designed to answer your questions, and demonstrate techniques. 

You will also be assigned a Coaching Buddy as part of our peer-to-peer practicum. This will allow you to meet and practice your skills every week, which will help you build confidence as a Psychodynamic Coach.  

24/7 community, resource library, tools and scripts

You will receive access to our Student Forum where you can post questions, share insights and interact with your peers throughout the program.

Each module includes tools and bonus scripts to help you work with clients in a deeper way. You keep these tools to download and use in your coaching sessions with clients.

Access to our 12-month CPD membership

Upon successful completion of the program, you will also receive a 12-month membership with our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) community where you can network with past graduates, access bonus workshops, participate in business-building events, practise coaching labs, and be inspired to create a thriving coaching business.

Qualifications to help you stand out in a busy marketplace

Upon successful completion of the program, you will be issued a certificate and awarded the title of 'Certified Psychodynamic Life Coach'. You can also use the letters 'CPLC' after your name.

Once accredited, you will also receive a formal certificate from the CPD Standards Office. CPD stands for 'continued professional development' and it's an internationally recognised body. Certification shows the program you have completed is of the highest standards. You can also use the CPD logo on all of your marketing material, showing the world your education level.

Working with the energetic forces - the shadow, emotions, subconscious, and the body's intuitive wisdom - is the key to lasting change.


What's inside



Module 1. Introduction to Psychodynamic Coaching

Introduction and overview of the theory, including the origins and interplay between the shadow, Jungian thought, and somatic work. Learn how our core methodology helps individuals unlock their true potential and power.


Module 2. Communicating with the subconscious

To unlock the wisdom and gifts of the subconscious, we must first learn to speak its language. Learn the three ways to communicate with the subconscious mind, so you can support your clients to move away from conditioned responses and towards experiencing true freedom.


Module 3. Working with the shadow and archetypes

Learn how the shadow is really constructed, and its relationship to other parts of the psyche, the core archetypes, and the body. Learn to work with a client's shadow through our ShadowScape Method ™ and the ways the shadow may be sabotaging client results. 


Module 4. Working with the ego and emotion

Learn the vital role of the ego, the personality, and the conscious mind in shadow coaching. Learn how to support your clients through change by understanding their barriers and subconscious resistance. Help them rediscover their true, authentic nature.


Module 5. The wisdom of the bright shadow

The shadow contains some of our greatest gifts and brightest opportunities. In this module, we will explore and create a Bright Shadow Map ™ to help your clients understand the sacred gifts contained within their shadow - and how to work with them for growth.


Module 6. The bridge to the body

Learn our proprietary SomaScape Method ™ designed to help connect your client's subconscious mind with their intuitive felt sense. Discover how the subconscious mind and body have a symbiotic relationship that influences healing and growth.


Module 7. Introduction to intuitive felt-sense

Learn the foundations of working with intuitive felt sense within the body. This is a gentle process designed to unlock and clear stored wisdom, traumas, and emotional reactivity. We will continue to work with the SomaScape Method ™ and Focalizing principles.


Module 8. Engaging the third energy

Learn to combine the power of the Shadow and the Somatic body. Learn our 3rd Energy Technique ™ designed to engage the power of opposites and create emotional release and integration within the body and the psyche.


Module 9. Working with active imagination 

Discover how engaging active imagination and felt-sense together can resolve the barriers that hold a client back from their potential, wellbeing, and joy. Learn the creative tools that support clients to make decisions that are deeply informed by their body and whole being.


Module 10. Integration and completion

In these last weeks, you will learn how to put the whole system together and gain the confidence to coach others using these tools and methods. Learn what it takes to step into your power and truly help transform the lives of others.




Who is this program for exactly?



1. ASPIRING COACHES & PRACTITIONERS. You have great lived experience and now you’re ready to pay it forward by helping others create a deep and profound change in their lives using a system that works with the subconscious mind, and body.

2. LIFELONG STUDENTS DEDICATED TO SELF DISCOVERY. This immersive program will take you on a journey of profound personal transformation. Not only will you learn to guide others, but you will experience the training personally also.

3. ESTABLISHED COACHES, THERAPISTS & WELLNESS PROS.  You’re ready to go deeper with your clients by learning to work with the subconscious mind and body to create lasting shifts. Focussing on future possibilities inspires self-empowerment and true fulfillment. 

Amy Watt

Career Coach

"I'm so glad I chose to invest in the Psychodynamic Coaching programme. As an established coach, it has brought my coaching to the next level, leaving me with a host of tools, techniques and theories that are super transformative and supportive for my clients.

With Amanda's support, I was able to pick up the new approaches and outlooks quickly and adapt them to my clients' needs. I also found the whole experience deeply and personally transformative.

My business has grown during the programme. In particular, I've had more success with my prospect calls and won more business as a result of excavating my own shadow.

I would really recommend this programme for coaches who are looking for something to give them the edge, make them braver, more compassionate and stronger people. The work is deep so you need to be ready to see all areas of your own life come under the microscope too, which is no bad thing!

Thanks Amanda, as ever your guidance and support has been powerful, intuitive and transformative".

This program is ideal for those who wish to delve deeper into their own growth, but are also looking for a path to guide others.

Frequently asked questions...












Aakhya Sharma

Relationship Coach

"The Psychodynamic Coach Academy helped me to construct a path that I always had in my imagination. But I didn't know it had the possibility to exist in reality. The PCA made me realize that I have the power to create transformational results for myself AND my clients. It is the best thing that's happened to me in a really long time"!

2024 Tuition Fee Information


All prices are in US Dollars.

Two interest-free monthly payment plans are also available: a 5-part or an extended 10-part plan. 

10-Part Flexi Pay

10 X $700


  • 10 recorded core video training modules
  • Fortnightly Coaching Labs led by Amanda
  • Monthly private, progress calls with Amanda (4 in total)
  • 24/7 Online Community for ongoing support
  • Coaching Practicum so you can practice your new skills
  • Awarded title: Certified Psychodynamic Coach (CPC)

5-Part Flexi Pay

5 X $1,400


  • 10 recorded core video training modules
  • Fortnightly Coaching Labs led by Amanda
  • Monthly private, progress calls with Amanda (4 in total)
  • 24/7 Online Community for ongoing support
  • Coaching Practicum so you can practice your new skills
  • Awarded title: Certified Psychodynamic Coach (CPC)

Pay in Full



  •  10 recorded core video training modules
  • Fortnightly Coaching Labs led by Amanda
  • Monthly private, progress calls with Amanda (4 in total)
  • 24/7 Online Community for ongoing support
  • Coaching Practicum so you can practice your new skills
  • Awarded title: Certified Psychodynamic Coach (CPC)
  • PAY IN FULL BONUS: Access to the self-study version of Amanda's Business Mastermind modules ($4,800 value).

Join the Waitlist today and be the first to gain access to exclusive savings when doors re-open in September. 

The Psychodynamic Coach Academy is now accepting Waitlist Applications for our next cohort starting in Autumn 2024. Join us and become part of an incredible group of practitioners who are ready to align their careers to their highest calling.

Limited spots.



... and receive access to these value-packed bonuses valued at over $3000!


BONUS 1: Office Hours

Access to monthly group Business Coaching Calls designed to help you accelerate your business growth. 

BONUS 2: CPD Membership

Stay connect to our student forum and access the Coaching Labs for an additional 12 months after graduation!

BONUS 3: Email Access

Email access to Amanda throughout the 16-weeks to ask any questions that may come up in between calls.

Try the Psychodynamic Life Coach Training 100% Risk-Free

... with our 10-day money back guarantee.

We believe in what we offer and this coaching certification has been designed to support you at the highest level. When you enroll, we offer a 10-day money-back guarantee starting from the first day of the program.


Dr William Martin

Professor & Clinical Psychologist

"My decision to enroll in the Psychodynamic Coach Academy (PCA) was not an easy decision given a couple of less than favorable experiences with other coaching certification programs that appeared to be too canned, too prescriptive and inaccurate with regard to the science of human behavior change and absent a theoretical foundation of the coaching interventions. 

Given this reluctance, I took a risk to enroll in PCA and I am glad I challenged myself to do so for the following reasons:

First, the academy sits on a strong theoretical and evidence-based foundation.

Second, the design of the academy represents a nice blend of didactic and experiential learning.

Third, beyond acquiring knowledge and learning new skills, Amanda is gifted in creating a community among the academy participants and also working with us to increase our confidence and self-efficacy not just with how to apply the knowledge or when to use the skills but also with regard to our identity as coaches as well as the business aspects of coaching.

Finally, I was delighted to know that Amanda is attentive to ethics because for me this is critical for any coach to serve others in a way that first minimizes any harm but also maximizes the benefit for the client and those that they serve. 

In closing, if you are interested in developing yourself as a coach or even further developing yourself as an authentic person then PCA will no doubt be the right place for you."

A note from Amanda...

I've said since the beginning that the leaders of tomorrow will be the most tapped-in, most authentic, and heart-driven people on the planet. I know that if you're considering this path, you are here to make an incredible impact on the lives of people around you.

Let's be blunt - if the pandemic has taught us anything, it's that people are asking big questions about their lives, their purpose, and their relationships right now. They are also searching for alternatives in the healing and wellness space. 

Sure, by joining our certification program, you are putting yourself in an incredible position to stand out from your peers (it's no longer enough to just show up and wing it as an online coach), and tap into the growing global coaching and e-learning industry...

... but you and I both know this is about helping people in a deeper way and a return to wholeness.

This call is upon us right now. I know you can feel it too.

Whether you are interested in deepening your existing craft, or looking to start an entirely new career altogether, you are in the right place, friend.

I am excited about welcoming you into the program very soon.

Best wishes,



Milli Moonstone

Sensuality Coach & Retreat Owner

"I learned and received a lot from the Psychodynamic Coach Academy.  It is a well-rounded mix of information and context along with powerful practices that are applicable for different types of people. This has given me solid foundations and depth of understanding from which to dive into the unknown with clients. 

This training  brought a lot of understanding about what shadow work actually is, and how I as a coach can help to guide clients into bringing conscious awareness and light to what is subconsciously limiting or affecting their life.

I’ve found that incorporating this understanding, tools and practices into my work with clients, in both individual and group settings, has opened up profound levels of inner and outer transformation for them. Thank you!"

Become a certified Psychodynamic Coach & take yourself and your clients beyond the conscious mind to create transformational results. Get a competitive edge, build your confidence, and create a thriving business that lasts.


Our graduates go on to create a ripple effect of change through personal results, client results, & better business...

"The positive results speak for themselves. Psychodynamic coaching is helping my clients get unstuck, find themselves, grow in confidence, and feel good about life again. This is powerful stuff!

I can’t recommend the Psychodynamic Coach Academy highly enough! Amanda is a fantastic coach and mentor to guide you on a journey back to yourself and coach others to do the same”.

~ Nicole

"Working with Amanda in the Psychodynamic Coach Academy is a life milestone. Amanda's immersive and interactive approach to the material is just as dynamic as the course title. Change your business & change your life and invest in this training! I am forever changed".

~ Tanielle

"The puzzle pieces on my coaching journey have come together! Thank you so much for your mentorship and for this program. I am excited to bring this work to others in my coaching business".

~ Christie

"A lot of the coaching world just scratches the surface of the mind and mental patterns. I believe to really create powerful and lasting results, it is necessary to dive into the subconscious mind, body and repressed emotions.  The Psychodynamic Coach Training beautifully weaves a variety of potent practices that empower potential coaches to work at much deeper layers both within themselves and with others. It is a well thought-out and expertly offered program that will invite you and those you work with into deeper levels of awareness and transformation. Thank you Amanda!"

~ Milly

"The PCA was truly transformative, offering tremendous insights and life-altering shifts for myself and my clients. Amanda's exceptional instruction skillfully guided us through an intriguing and enlightening journey, resulting in remarkable personal growth and empowerment."

~ Jenna

"The PCA has been invaluable to me on my journey back to wholeness. I have learned so much, in a supportive and intimate environment where I felt so supported.  Equally, I gained a transformative skillset to bring forward into my coaching business - tools that guarantee success for my clients at the deepest level. I am so grateful for the PCA. Thank you Amanda and keep doing what you're doing. The world needs this right now, ethical coaching."

~ Margaret

"Amanda and the PCA has opened up the world of coaching for me as a coach, as well as the depths of self-discovery. The PCA offers a wonderful framework, practical tools, and communication throughout the program which has enabled me to build strong foundations as a coach. I could not recommend the PCA highly enough. It is the program for anyone wanting to go really deep in making change, for both themselves and their clients. Thank you Amanda!"

~ Erika

Join the Waitlist today and be the first to gain access to exclusive savings when doors re-open in September. 

The Psychodynamic Coach Academy is now accepting Waitlist Applications for our next cohort starting in Autumn 2024. Join us and become part of an incredible group of practitioners who are ready to align their careers to their highest calling.

Limited spots.